Get your own classified
website with Osclass for free

Build your own Osclass installation and start advertising
real estate, jobs or whatever you want- in minutes!


How to collaborate to core?
Core has three main branches: Master, Hotfixes and Develop.

It’s the latest official version.

It’s the latest official version with bugfix releases.

It contains new developments for the upcoming version.

If you want to send us the developments you have done, please define whether it is a bugfix (in this case you have to make a pull request to hotfixes) or a new feature (develop branch).

However, you might also want to do a fork and a git clone of your project. If you are not sure how to help us, use the issues marked as Easy - they are great for the users who has been little time with the project or are new here.

You can get the source code here:
git clone git://
How to collaborate to plugins?

In plugins repository each plugin has its own branch. For example: Youtube, Social bookmarks, Voting.

To get the source code you can do the fork or:
git clone git://

If you want to report on a plugin error, please add a new issue and try to be as scrupulous as possible.

How to collaborate to themes?

In themes repository each theme has its own branch. For example: Real estate, Seeker.

To get the source code you can do the fork or:
git clone git://

If you want to report on a theme error, please add a new issue and specify the browser and the operating system that you are using.

How to collaborate to translations?

If you want to help us to translate Osclass, its themes and plugins, please go to If you do not have an account, you can contact us and request one. Please indicate a language you want to translate. To learn more, please visit "Getting Started".

Contribute to the project. Make a donation!